There is only one super-wide lens I know of that can remain perfectly sharp into the image corners with a full open aperture, and that is the Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8. A super wide angle zoom is a tough optical design to compute and gets extremely expensive when done right, if it can be done at all. With...
Fuji 10-24mm zoom lens - a hands on review
Posted by LAMPSOLS
Posted on 8:49 AM
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Description: Fuji 10-24mm zoom lens - a hands on review
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: LAMPSOLS
ItemReviewed: Fuji 10-24mm zoom lens - a hands on review
A still life project for the X-Pro1
Posted by LAMPSOLS
Posted on 5:30 PM
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Today we are doing an elaborate still life project in the studio on winter produce. This past Saturday I went to the local farmers market to gather up some produce to use as props for the shoot. I looked for items having a just-pulled-from-the earth quality about them. I like the craggy, sculptural...
First wireless shoot with the Fuji X-T1
Posted by LAMPSOLS
Posted on 8:00 PM
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We were doing a lifestyle photo shoot in our studios today and one shot called for a plumber underneath a sink. To save time, we decided to use the actual kitchen sink in our studio, despite the fact that it presented us with close quarter. I have been wanting to try out the wi-fi phone controls of...
Making the most of a distracting zoo environment with a Fuji 55-200mm zoom and the X-T1
Posted by LAMPSOLS
Posted on 8:00 PM
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One afternoon in Florida we took a break and visited a local wildlife preserve hoping to get in some fun photography of the animals. Problem was all the animals were in cages with very narrow openings in their wire fencing, and in most cases the backgrounds were inappropriate and distracting. To get...
Lifestyle shoot with the Fuji X-T1 - a debriefing review
Posted by LAMPSOLS
Posted on 7:00 PM
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I call this a "Debriefing review" to differentiate it from my regular "hands on" reviews, which are based on normal use tests I do for about a week with a new piece of camera equipment. For this debriefing review I put the camera, in this case a Fuji X-T1, through a specific shooting event to gauge...
Homage to Malevich and the Suprematists with the Fuji X-T1
Posted by LAMPSOLS
Posted on 6:00 PM
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In 1918 the avant garde Russian artist and founder of the Suprematist art movement, Kasimir Malevich, painted his purely abstract compostion, "White on White" a skewed white square painted onto a square canvas also painted white. As manifestations of the Suprematist art manifesto with its basis in pure...