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Nikon D610 Review: Day 1 - Thoughts on the Nikon D610 after 1st Shooting Assignment at the Woodstock Museum

Description: Nikon D610 Review: Day 1 - Thoughts on the Nikon D610 after 1st Shooting Assignment at the Woodstock Museum Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: LAMPSOLS ItemReviewed: Nikon D610 Review: Day 1 - Thoughts on the Nikon D610 after 1st Shooting Assignment at the Woodstock Museum
Nikon D610 + Nikon 50mm f1.8G - OOC JPG - 1/250s @ f1.8 ISO 200
Since the Nikon D610 is such a GREAT high ISO camera, I wanted to shoot some interesting locations that would benefit from those abilities.

Here in Oxford County, we’re blessed with several interesting museums to choose from, so I thought I’d check out the Woodstock Museum in downtown Woodstock, Ontario to see what exhibits they had running to test the D610.

Sure enough, they had some interesting stuff. (click on any of the photos to view larger size)

The exhibit they had running showcased numerous artifacts from early settlers that came to settle here in Woodstock in the 19th century.  A lot were United Empire Loyalists and British Half-Pay Officers, and the displays were set up to show what an early settler's home may have looked like.

In short, lots of interesting looking items in what was often very dimly lit displays.  Perfect for the kind of high ISO shooting with the D610 that I had in mind. :-)

Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - Lightroom JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 6400
Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - LR JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 12,800
To anyone that’s used to shooting Nikon DSLR’s, the D610 feels familiar, and you’ll have no trouble picking up the 610 and shooting with it.  Indeed, the layout is almost identical to the Nikon D7100, and even the Nikon D5300 and Nikon D3300. 

As I wandered around the museum, checking out the exhibits and playing with different ideas for photos, I found the auto focus to be quick and accurate.  The D610 locked on to almost any subject in any lighting condition, even very challenging ones.

Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f4.2 ISO 6400
Bear in mind too, I was mostly shooting with the Nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5G ED VR AF-S kit lens, which is a variable aperture lens that maxs out at f3.5.  It’s a good lens, just not as fast as a constant f2.8 zoom like the Nikon 24-70mm f2.8G.

Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - LR JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 12,800
For those of you that haven’t had the pleasure of shooting with faster glass, one of the big benefits is that you tend to get faster AF, which is why I point out that I was using the kit lens.  While it’s good, it doesn’t deliver the fastest AF that the D610 is capable of like a f2.8 zoom or fast prime will.

Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - LR JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 12,800
Which brings me to my next point… switching to the Nikon 50mm f1.8G on the D610.

Nikon D610 + 50mm f1.8G - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f1.8s ISO 1600
What a combination!  Now, full disclosure here… the Nikon 50mm f1.8G may just be my favorite Nikon lens ever.  Sharp as a tack, great color, great contrast, what’s not to love?  Paired with the Nikon D610’s incredible imaging sensor, the two just shine together.
Nikon D610 + 50mm f1.8G - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f1.8s ISO 6400
You can still shoot in pretty dim lighting using the Nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5G ED VR AF-S kit lens, but when you switch to the Nikon 50mm f1.8G, it opens up a WHOLE NEW realm of possibilities.

Nikon D610 + 50mm f1.8G - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f1.8s ISO 3200
Not only is the Nikon 50mm f1.8G faster by a significant margin, it's crazy sharp wide open at f1.8 and focuses better in low light too.  It's a whole new ball game shooting in dim lighting with the 50mm f1.8G on the D610.

Nikon D610 + 50mm f1.8G - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f1.8s ISO 1600

For a little added fun, I switched back to the kit lens and pulled out a speedlite with a wireless trigger/receiver from my bag.  It's always interesting to play with off-camera lighting. :-)

Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 200
Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f4.0 ISO 400
Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - LR JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 200

Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - LR JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 200
Nikon D610 + 24-85mm VR - OOC JPG - 1/125s @ f4.5 ISO 200
Overall, I really enjoyed my first day shooting at the Woodstock Museum with the Nikon D610.

While it took a little adjustment at first to get used to the extra weight in comparison to my Nikon D5200, I soon forgot about it as I found myself just enjoying shooting and marveling at the rich, detailed files the D610 produces, not to mention the incredible performance at high ISO.

I fondly remember my Nikon D700, which was also a very capable high ISO camera, but I have to say that the D610 beats it by at least a stop, if not more, and you have to remember, the Nikon D610 is a 24 megapixel camera.  My old Nikon D700 was only 12 megapixels.

Twice the megapixels and still MUCH better high ISO.  Isn't technology great!

In light of that great high ISO, I found the variable aperture Nikon 24-85mm kit lens enjoyable to shoot with too, since I could easily shoot comfortably at 6400 ISO without worrying about the image quality.   

The 24-85mm is a very useful range, although I think I’d prefer the Nikon 24-120mm f4G ED VR, but then again the trade-off is size and weight for range and performance, not to mention price.

Switching over to the Nikon 50mm f1.8G reduced size and weight significantly, as well as boosting shooting possibilities by increasing auto focus and the level of darkness I could shoot in with the D610.  The two are truly a match made in heaven.

Check back soon as I continue my on-going review of the Nikon D610!


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